Saturday, July 18, 2009

Creative differences

The traditions of Tantra and Mantrayana are a complex. Though I do not speak for the traditions, nobody does, I wish to formally state that I do not endorse the teachings of Satisfied Buddhist Blogspot. I have endeavoured to stop following her weblog formally with my Blogger account but it appears that it has not been fully successful. The reason why I have lost faith in this teacher is that there is controversy about her adoption of the teaching name. I am a person who makes up my own mind according to my own experience and investigation. In a personal encounter that Domo Geshe Rinpoche and I had on Facebook on circa July 16, 2009 she did not exhibit the breadth of learning of a Geshe and in my humble opinion though she may have a strong spiritual foundation in her lived experience appears not be be well grounded in the tradition she has adopted. Please be mindful in taking any of her teachings to heart and ensure that you are satisfied in her authority before you do so. I wish you the best in your endeavour.


  1. Google Domo Geshe Fraud and you will find a website They did a 12 part series exposes Marjorie Dadek aka Domo Geshe Rinpoche as a fraud and a cult leader.

  2. See, it's crap like this that makes the majority of Tibetan buddhism about as relevant to a seeker under a fig tree as the latest Jon Stewart show. It's of no matter. It's more dukkha even before you typed it. Both sides.

  3. Pangolin, I would appreciate that if you comment on one of my weblogs in future that you endeavour to ensure that your grammar is sound and that you base your opinions on cited evidence or personal experience. These simple disciplines would ensure that your comment is not rendered overly emotive, uninformed and unfounded. That said, I welcome your contribution and wish you the best with whatever spiritual tradition and spiritual practice you endeavour to integrate into your livepath. Blessings to you and yours. B9HH

  4. Please email the Office of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and they will confirm that Tara Wangchuk aka Domo Geshe Rinpoche aka Marjorie Dadak aka Morjorie Quinn is NOT the reincaration of Domo Geshe Rinpoche.

    His Holiness can be emailed at

  5. There is a new website called
    It has done an 8 part series showing that Marjorie Quinn-Dadak is not the reincarnation of Domo Geshe Rinpoche.
