Never forget that 'hate' and 'love' are just English words and denote cultural constructions of an emotional experience that is experientially embodied in the architecture of human feeling. Emotions that we experience can never be reduced to words. When we do so we do their truth a disservice. Emotions are experientially too complex. We attribute 'love' or 'hate' to a feeling-event but the emotions in a feeling-event are far more complex and unique upon every endocrinal hormonal excretion than can through reductionism be delimited to a single emotion word. In an emotion-event a vast number of emotions are experienced like a chord of notes in a piece of music and we call this chord just one note which is a nonsense and lacks fidelity. I take refuge in metaphor and analogy and that conceals as much as it reveals.
Monday, April 23, 2018
Thursday, March 22, 2018
March 23, 2018, stateless, taking political asylum from Australia with the United Kingdom
I never had any friends in Melbourne, Australia, where I have lived for most of my life except fleeting dalliances that were in truth a farce of friendship. I lived all my life there pretty much and I couldn't even find anyone who would sign and endorse my Australian Passport Application Form in Victoria, Australia. I am a loyal person and friend. I commit to a person and to an accomplishment that I envision and realise. I have heard and hear people say "they constantly burn him", meaning me and I am a them and the they were my supposed 'peers' in Australia. In Australia, I was surrounded by traitors, turncoats and enemies and I am not convinced it is different in the United Kingdom. They had been torturing me in Australia for a long time as an organised joke. The in-joke was pervasive and even in the Executive, The Premier, and The Department of Premier and Cabinet in Victoria, Australia and throughout the greater Victorian and Australian community. This is easily proven. Sometimes, to make it sound less this is called hazing. That is a misnomer, it was brutal, violent, hateful, cruel and malicious: evil. They were purposefully hurting me in suite and pervasive collusion. The whole place knew it was happenning. They were calling me 'desecrated rabbit' and my supposed 'peers' who were 'gimping' and pack-limiting me and not only did no one care in the extended and extensive community who all knew, no one helped me: police, legal aid, courts, government, integrity mechanisms, print media, social media, Google, Twitter, possibly Yahoo, hospitals, doctors, etc. They ALL knew. Ever then people were calling me "Blessed Bottom" amongst many other epithets. 'Blessed' semantically can mean tortured. I heard in the Positive Living Centre in Commercial Road, Prahran/South Yarra, Australia, one of the female staff saying "they are shooting the rabbit" and that "they don't party and play" with Beauford, "they party and slay" Beauford. Refer casestudy literature around the World where there has been a crystal meth sexual culture. The socio-legal case studies of maliciousness, torture and sexual predation, abuse and violence are normalised, hidden and often ritualised and obscured. It is going on in a sex club here in Liverpool in a really soft fashion in the Wirral. I haven't been there, I just know. I am the All-High High-Seat. Moreover, I hate being called a bottom, it is an ambiguous term with which I have never identified, like top or versatile. The terms need to be qualified and defined in context to have meaning. They are all ambiguous terms and in Melbourne and Australia as elsewhere they often use them ambiguously and to be ambiguous and in order to exploit. A fella I became friends of sorts with for circa six months named Gordon in Fitzroy, Victoria, Australia was brutalized and murdered with a hammer by a fella he saw on quite a number of occasions sexually and had a PnP 'relationship' with. The fella blessed and hallowed Gordon with that hammer and then set his shop called Fetish aflame. On a few other occasions the younger fella smashed Gordon in the face with his fist breaking his nose. It was only a matter of time before my supposed 'peers' did that to me. Now you know the danger I was in with the police in New South Wales was real. They were going to send this Great Whale, South. That is what all the wrongfully processed naming of my person in custody was all about. People just disappear in Australia and it is known that it is the police there. There was such a police culture in Russell Street in Victoria, Australia and in Surrey Hills, New South Wales, Australia. I say there still is as they can play their territory. I know this from personal experience. That is how they supplement their income. They are known in the game as "Untouchables". In Australia, I pretty much ALWAYS tender my name upon request in the standardised Phonetic Alphabet and pretty much my whole life the police have spellt my name wrong often extensively. I learn the International Phonetic Alphabet in Stonington City Council, Victoria, Australia. To the police in Australia, I repeated my name phonetically and they get it wrong on purpose. I was slow on realising why. I thought they were just Keystone Cops but then I realised with their archaic and esoteric computer systems, names are not easy to interrogate and retrieve on the system without the letter-correct exact-match or they bumble using wildcards purposefully. Get it. Whilst I was in the thick of this I had been in contact with Seth Chagi of the International Asatru organisation, of American fame, and Seth wrote to me: "stand up for yourself". I have every day of my life in Australia and they were always doing wrong by me. Seth is a bit sheltered and simple. I am contemplating going to an American or German embassy.